Dark Light

Did you know Millennials and Gen Xers make up two-thirds of the workforce? Combined with this shift in workforce composition is the rise of social media, a reclassification of what is valued, and several changes to our traditional understanding of communication, relationship building, giving, and community.

I was asked to lead a workshop in which we looked at the next generation of people who will support theological education. The challenge, it seems, is to first understand the generation, then to respect the people in that generation and the realities the face, and finally to consider alternative methods of engagement so that we continue to invite people to participate in what God is doing rather than try to devise strategies for extracting money from people.

As a member of the Millennial generation, I wanted to share some data which then set the foundation for a conversation about engaging a new generation of giving in light of these cultural shifts.

Date first Presented: February 21, 2017
Event: DIAP Conference of ATS

NOTE: Due to the nature of the workshop the citations for the statistics and some of the quotes are not listed on the slides. If you want that information, please contact me and I will send it to you.

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