Dark Light

Last week, I shared a video that was used in conjunction with my inauguration on March 21, 2014.  Since that time, God has been at work in amazing ways.

If you watch the video (re-posted below), you may note a few things.  First, I need to learn how to smile when I talk on a camera.  I look so angry!  Second, you can see that we had a vision for working to develop a system of theological education that was affordable, accessible, and relevant while remaining faithful to the unshakeable truth of God’s word.

As we take the time to reflect on what God has done the past four years, it seems Ephesians 3:20-21 was a great place to begin.  We could not have foreseen the work that God had in store for this organization and the people we serve.  Indeed, God has done more than we asked or imagined!

Over the next several weeks, we will share a few stories that provide glimpses of how the Spirit has been at work in and through this seminary and those we serve.  These are not stories about us, but rather stories of God’s provision, his reign, and the privilege we have to participate in what he is doing.

Our role, as followers of Jesus, is to do exactly that – follow Jesus.  We must follow Jesus wherever it takes us.  I doubt anyone could have guessed that the path would lead here—to a place where theological education is a journey of discipleship, not a degree program.  It is a place where people are invited to walk alongside each other as students, faculty, therapists, clients, and mentors as we seek to discern the leading of the Spirit and to participate God’s work. It is a place where we think differently about what it means to be a seminary, a counseling center, and a network kingdom-minded ministries.  In short, it is a place that has completely re-imagined what it looks like to develop servants who participate in the kingdom mission.

Stay with us over the weeks and months ahead to hear the amazing works of our King!

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