Kairos as a Philosophy of Education – Series Collection
In this series, we’d like to share a bit about the educational philosophy behind Kairos. Kairos Philosophy Series…
Platform Thinking – Series Collection
In this series, we look at the concept of a platform and how it informs the Kairos Project.…
Practices of CBTE – Series Collection
The principles of CBTE are played out in six practices – all leading to a Quality Framework. Practices…
Principles of CBTE – Series Collection
Competency-based theological education, in our experience, is informed by the following principles. Principles of CBTE: Introduction Principles of…
Standards of Excellence – Series Collection
Standards of excellence (i.e., what is deemed to be proficient or effective) arise from particular communities of practice.…
The Kairos Community – Series Collection
In addition to a new way of learning, Kairos presents a wonderful opportunity to engage in a global…
Why We Practice Theological Hospitality (Part 2)
Written by David Williams, President, Taylor Seminary and Greg Henson, President, Sioux Falls Seminary Here’s one common way…
Why We Practice Theological Hospitality (Part 1)
Written by David Williams, President, Taylor Seminary and Greg Henson, President, Sioux Falls Seminary Let’s explore why theological…
Theological Hospitality – Series Collection
In the Kairos Project, we talk a lot about “theological hospitality.” It is one of our defining practices…
Renewed Hope and Vision for Seminaries
I am writing this post while sitting in the Chicago O’Hare Airport. It is a cold and gloomy…