The Kairos Project Two Years Later: Where are they now?
A little over two years ago, as I began in my role as President at Sioux Falls Seminary,…
Partnerships and the Body of Christ
The concept of partnership is nothing new. Back in 1920, New York Theological Seminary worked with New York…
The Road Ahead: Re-Thinking Theological Education
By Dr. Nathan Hitchcock, Associate Professor of Church History and Theology As Sioux Falls Seminary “equips God’s people…
A Look at Faithful Theological Education
Sometimes, when I talk with people about how Sioux Falls Seminary is making theological education affordable, accessible, and…
A Look at Relevant Theological Education, Part 2
Over the past three weeks, we have looked closely at affordable and accessible theological education as well as…
A Look at Relevant Theological Education, Part 1
When touting an educational system that is affordable, accessible, relevant, and faithful there are important questions that must…
A Look at Affordable Theological Education
By Nate Helling, Chief Financial Officer and V.P. of Operations Ephesians 4:12 sums up quite well the broad…
Developing Servants Where God Has Planted Them
Although the decision to pursue theological education often occurs in different ways and at different times in the…
What Does That Actually Mean?
If you spend enough time around me you will hear me say that Sioux Falls Seminary is called…
Series – Post 13: What Have We Learned?
Operational Models and Educational Debt in ATS SeminariesWhy do we care? What do we know? What can we…