What Does That Actually Mean?
If you spend enough time around me you will hear me say that Sioux Falls Seminary is called…
The Millennial Generation and the Future of the Church
As a Millennial, I like to say that the Millennial Generation is *not* the future of the church.…
A Three-Sided Challenge
Theological education is facing a three-sided challenge: Cost, Price, and Value. It is important for us to embrace this challenge as an opportunity to shape a bright future...
Theological Education in a New Time
In his book Earthen Vessels, Dan Aleshire, Executive Director of the Association of Theological Schools, refers to 2 Corinthians…
Our Desire To Create Fresh Expressions of Theological Education
Over the past several weeks, we have been looking at the history, biblical foundations, and various movements throughout…
In Trust Contribution: From Data To Decision
In Trust has asked me to provide for its quarterly publication snapshots of data about the industry and…
From Data to Decision – What compels prospective students?
Nearly 70% of incoming students learned about their school through a personal referral, and only 2.5% were compelled to learn more about their school through... (Read more...)
Theological Education in the Kingdom
What does it mean to serve “in” the Kingdom of God? We could spend hours discussing the theological,…
Theological Education in the Kingdom
This will be a different post than you might usually find me writing. However, I think it is important given the landscape of ... (Read more...)
Kairos: Shifting the Focus of Theological Education
There are two words for time in Greek. The first, chronos, refers to chronological time – seconds, minutes,…